Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A couple surpises

1) I am coming home!
About 2 weeks ago, Melanie and I had a nice chat over our respective situations. The most crucial piece of information shared was that she had found a replacement for me who was ready to start asap. Finishing out November sounded like the best plan for both of us, so I booked my ticket for Thanksgiving day.
Happy day!!! I am so excited to see everyone so much earlier than expected! This is definitely a good thing.

2) I am not going to go to the Florence Academy in January. I loved the school when I visited, was acccepted (YAY!), and believe it would have been possible to get there at least for the first trimester (thanks for all of the support, fam and friends!), but just felt right about not going. I feel peaceful about the decision.

SO. AHHHHH! I have just over a week left here. It has been an interesting adventure - definitely a good experince, and I will certainly miss the friends I have made here very much. Still, I am very glad to be coming home.

I love and miss you all! See you soon!


  1. Yay! Just in time for Lindsay's wedding & to meet Marjie's baby & my baby! Fun stuff! Can't wait to see you!

  2. I am so glad that you feel good about the decision. Man, that can be the hardest part. I know for me I am more than thrilled to have you back. I love ya and miss ya mucho mucho. Hurry safely home to me!
